Scrap Removal

The Scrap Removal kit was designed for customers dicing applications that create a lot of dirt and/or want to filter and manage the cutting waste.

Barcode Reader

The Dicing saws support the option of adding a Barcode reader.

Tapeless 7134 dicing saw

ADT has recently completed a new project for dicing in a tapeless process mode. The work piece is placed on a formal rubber pad with vacuum holes, holding the workpiece and diced parts in place during the dicing process without the use of dicing tape.

Circular Cut

A unique application for creating round circle

Dressing Procedure

ADT has developed a new software feature that provides the ability to ‘dress and drag’ the blade to maintain a flat edge on the dicing blade instead of a standard “dicing” methods on a dress block.


Dicing Floor Management (DFM) system was released for sale. DFM system is a software and hardware option based on SECS/GEM communication protocol that collects data and monitors all dicing saw machines at the production floor.

New User Interface (NUI) Upgrade Kit

ADT strives to offer our customers a business model that promotes “continuous improvement opportunities” for your existing capital equipment investment. ADT offers a variety of “DICING SAW UPGRADE KITS” that allow you to maintain best in class dicing capability and performance.